Services +
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Wireline Service

Radioactive tracers.

Production profiles (PLT).

Pressure/Temperature records.

Gamma Ray (GR).

Coupler Locator records (CCL).

Cement evaluation records (CBL / VDL).

Deviation records.

Caliper / Corrosion.

Fracture highs.



Slickline services



Physical measurements

MPLT (Memory Production Logging Tool).

Memory Gauges (GD – GE- Fall Off – Build Up – Isocronales etc).

MCBL / MVDL (Memory Cement Bond Logging).

Caliper / Corrosion at Memory Mode.





Interventions in wells

Transport and calibration of valves (vertical and deviated) and bottom devices.

Placement of tubing plugs, Stop collar, sampler.

Deparaffinization, calibration, printing, etcetera

Supply and management of Flow Control devices.

Capillary fishing.


Supply, placement and extraction of dual-barrier plugs.













Wenlen S.A | Estrada 180 - Bella Vista Prov. de Bs.As Argentina | Tel. + 54 11 4666-0969   + 54 11 4666-0969 | All rights reserved | Terms and Condition | Site Map | Last Review: April 2017